Information and documents prepared by the Joint–Stock Company "SQIF Capital" (hereinafter - the Company), which is a professional participant in the securities market (license No. dated 12.11.2021, issued by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market) (hereinafter – Document) posted by the Company on any resources, including the Company's Internet resource, contain (may contain) information (information) about the Company's offers and (or) services, including, but not limited to: analytical and other reports, opinions, recommendations, explanations, assessments, comments and other information, including texts, graphic images, illustrations, etc.
The document is provided to users solely for informational purposes, does not constitute advertising, valuation, investment advice or individual investment recommendation and does not contain recommendations to buy or sell any securities, derivatives or other financial instruments, or other services.
The Company takes reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information specified in the Document, based on the information and opinions available to the Company, but does not assume responsibility for the actions of third parties carried out on the basis of the information available in the Document.
The opinions expressed in this document belong to the Company and relate exclusively to the time of writing of the Document and are subject to change at any time without prior notice.
The Company (including its officers, shareholders, employees, agents and other representatives) makes no representations regarding the content of the Document, its completeness and does not accept claims from users, and is not responsible for damages and direct or indirect losses (including lost profits) that may arise as a result of using the information provided.
The Document may contain forward-looking statements that speak about the possible or expected future results of the Company's activities. Such forward-looking statements are provided for informational purposes only. In addition, no information, statements contained in the Document do not constitute an offer or recommendations for the purchase or sale of securities (financial instruments) or investment. The information provided should not be used as the only guide for making investment decisions.
The document contains (may contain) links to third-party websites that can be accessed or clicked on. At the same time, the Company does not sponsor, recommend or otherwise assume responsibility for third-party sites, their content and availability.
The information and information specified in the Document should not be considered as a guarantee of profitability from investments in securities, derivatives or other financial instruments, or as a guarantee of the stability of possible returns associated with such investments. Any investment is subject to risk, especially associated with fluctuations in its value and profitability. It should be borne in mind that past indicators of profitability and financial market situations are not a guarantee of positive dynamics in the present or future.
The securities derivatives or other financial instruments or other services mentioned in the Document may not be suitable for users. Users are advised to make sure that the information provided in the Document corresponds to their circumstances in terms of legal, regulatory, tax and other consequences.
The content of the Document is protected by copyright. All copyrights and other rights to the results of intellectual activity in the Document belong to the Company.
The document is not intended for distribution or use by any natural or legal person in any jurisdiction where it would be contrary to law or regulations or requires registration or licensing.
Unless otherwise specified in the Document, the Document in whole or in any part thereof may not be reproduced, transmitted (electronically or otherwise), modified or used for public or commercial purposes without the prior written consent of the Company.
All copies and printouts of the Document must contain information/information about the copyright and other proprietary rights of the Company.
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Saved: 29.01.2024